9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service
6:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Service*
7:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study*
and Prayer Meeting,
Trac Teen Club, Blast for Children 1st - 6th grade, Wiggles ages 3 - 5
*Please Note: The Sunday and Wednesday Evening Services are held in the Terrell Hudson Chapel located in the gym building.
5661 Munger Rd Dayton, Ohio 45459
For anyone who would like to give online your Tithes and Offerings to our church please click the Donate Now box. Thank you.
Staff Evangelist Dr. Terrell Hudson
About the Evangelist
Saved at the age of 7.
Widely used in revivals, Bible conferences, special days, camps, etc.
Pastored Moraine Heights Baptist Church in Dayton, Ohio as Assistant Pastor and then Pastor for a total of over 40 years.
Married to wife, Diana, since 1981.
Their now adult children and grandchildren are actively serving the Lord.
Bro. Terrell is known for his compassionate preaching and uncompromising stand on the Word of God.
The Bible to be the infallible,
inerrant, inspired Word of God.
Salvation by grace through faith in Christ, plus nothing and minus nothing.
The reality of Heaven, Hell, the judgment, the creation of man by the direct act of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, the virgin birth, the vicarious atonement of mankind by the shedding of His blood on the cross, the resurrection and the literal second coming of Christ.
That Christians are to live a dedicated and separated life from the world.
That every born-again Christian should be a soul winner.
For a more detailed Statement of Faith please visit
What He Believes
Contact Information
What Others have said
It has been my privilege to know and to love the Hudson family. Terrell has a precious wife and wonderful children. He is solid in his convictions and powerful in his preaching. A true friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. I am proud to
call Terrell Hudson my friend. Dr. Clyde Box/ Dallas, Texas
He is one of my favorite preachers, and if you haven’t scheduled him to preach at your church, now is a good time to call him. His successor is his son-in-law, Patrick Dell’Aria, who has been the associate pastor for two years. Please pray for Pastor Dell’Aria as he continues to pastor this great lighthouse on the hill started by Terrell’s father Travis Hudson, in 1951.
Attorney Terry Lee Hamilton/ Lighthouse Legal Ministries Ohio
Dear friends in the ministry, would you like to have a solid, proven, spiritual, Godly, effective man minister in your church?  Brother Terrell Hudson has spent 41 years on staff in the church he’s now in. He has spent 25 of those years as pastor.  He has a wonderful wife and two precious children who are very much involved in the work of the Lord. Talk about a man that can help pastors and church workers!!! I commend this great servant of the Lord to you. His son-in-law is becoming a pastor of the church which will allow him to be in your ministry on Sundays. I hope to hear that many avail themselves of the opportunities to use him.
Evangelist Larry Brown/
Washington, Iowa
With excitement, I highly encourage you to have Dr. Terrell Hudson to preach from your pulpit. Biblical, passionate, anointed.  He will honor the Lord and His Word. Dr. Hudson will do good for your people. Dr. Roger Green/ Middletown, Ohio
a faithful man of God for a long time and a wonderful preacher. Glad to call him my friend. Dave McCoy/ Atlanta, Georgia
With excitement, I highly encourage you to TerrellTerrell Hudson: A proven contender for the faith, a compassionate shepherd of the sheep, an understanding friend of Pastors. He is a link in the chain to the Preachers of the past that helps us to be anchored in the present. Dr. William Boyd Bingham/ Middlesboro, Kentucky
Dr. Hudson is my friend and I know he’ll be a blessing to your church! Because he has been at the “frontlines” of the ministry for his entire adult life, he is well qualified to minister to others in service to the Lord.
Tommy Drewett/ Pineville,  LA
I have known Dr. Terrell Hudson for a good number of years as a friend and a fellow pastor. His leadership and long ministry at Moraine Hts. Baptist Church in Dayton, OH speaks for itself. I highly recommend Brother Hudson for pulpit supply, revivals, missions conferences, and other special days.  You will find that he handles the Word of God carefully and preaches with authority and power. His compassionate heart, love for God, and his desire to be a blessing are obvious as well.  He will be a blessing and encouragement to you and your people.
Pastor Kevin Folger
Cleveland, Ohio
Terrell Hudson was a blessing to our church.  His practical and powerful preaching of God’s Word stirred our people. He engaged the congregation with great visual illustrations (object lessons) . Our attendance grew each night of the revival.  People were saved and Christians were challenged.  We are looking forward to having Terrell Hudson with us again soon. It is an honor for me to highly recommend my friend,
Terrell Hudson, to you and your church.
Pastor Ted House/ Mt. Orab, Ohio
I would recommend Terrell Hudson to any pastor who wants to have a preacher that will help his people. He is a man who has proven himself to be faithful, consistent, strong and yet compassionate at the same time.  He is a great preacher and yet a humble man. He handles the Word of God carefully and knows how to connect with people on a genuine and personal level . He has been at our church more than once and we certainly plan to have him again. He will be a help to the preacher and to the church.
Pastor John Jones/ Ashtabula, Ohio
Dr. Terrell Hudson has been a friend for over 30 years. “Faithfulness” is the word that describes him best. He has served in almost every capacity at MHBC in Ohio for over 40 years. I know that he would be a blessing and an encouragement to your church!
Shawn Drewett/ Boyce, LA
I am happy to recommend Dr. Terrell Hudson as an evangelist.  I have known him and his father, Dr. Travis Hudson, for 40 years. He has held revivals for me, and I have the highest of respect for him and his family. He is an excellent evangelist, and he preaches the Word of God in its purity.
Pastor Jim Meadows/Craigsville, WV