9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service
6:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Service*
7:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study*
and Prayer Meeting,
Trac Teen Club, Blast for Children 1st - 6th grade, Wiggles ages 3 - 5
*Please Note: The Sunday and Wednesday Evening Services are held in the Terrell Hudson Chapel located in the gym building.
5661 Munger Rd Dayton, Ohio 45459
For anyone who would like to give online your Tithes and Offerings to our church please click the Donate Now box. Thank you.
Each month in 2025 the Ladies of our church will enjoy a Women of the Bible Study. This study will be held the Saturday, January 25 at 9:30 am. All ladies are welcome. January's study will on Ruth. Ladies are encouraged to read and study this book of the Bible
Our first Carry-in luncheon was a great success.
Our next event is a "First Love" luncheon scheduled for February 15 at 1 pm.
Sign up sheets are on the outreach tables in the main auditorium or the chapel to reserve your spot. If you can help with the food please signup on the appropriate sheet . We are having an Italian menu. Come and join us if you are age 50 or above or married to someone who is age 50 or above. Looking forward to seeing you!
Hannah Dell'Aria has for some time educated our church about the Hymns we sing. These hymn writers have some interesting history about how these hymns came about. See the inside lobby display in the parking lot side for this information. Anyone who memorizes the hymns' verses will get a bag of M&M's. See Hannah for more info.
Our Pastor will be continuing our Sunday Evening Bible Study in the Book of
2nd Corinthians.
Please join us each Sunday evening in the
Terrell Hudson
Chapel for these studies.
Each Wednesday Pastor Dell'Aria has been in a study of Daniel's 70 week of Prophecy. This is a timely study that will benefit all who attend.