9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service
6:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Service
7:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study
and Prayer Meeting,
Trac Teen Club, Blast for Children 1st - 6th grade, Wiggles ages 3 - 5
5661 Munger Rd Dayton, Ohio 45459
For anyone who would like to give online your Tithes and Offerings to our church please click the Donate Now box. Thank you.
Wednesday Evening Children's Ministry
Transportation for ages 4 and above is available in limited areas. Call the church for more details.
"Wigglers", as the name implies, have a great time in their own class room setting. There are Bible stories, singing, games, crafts and snacks! It's so fun! This allows their parents to come to Wednesday Bible study knowing that their children are cared for and are learning about God as well.
First thru Sixth graders enjoy this fast paced program every Wednesday evening. A Bible lesson, memory verses, sword drills and game time in the gym makes for a full night. These children look forward to coming and it continues to be one of the best attended children's ministry for this age group. There are events and activities such as camp fire/hay ride, Hot Wheels race, and summer camp that will encourage your child to be faithful to attend every week. If your child is in this age group they are sure in for a treat!